By Richard Lynch
Who will stand with me? Who will demand equality and justice for all? There is a very evil destructive force afoot in our great nation. We are a nation that was built upon the very principles that all men and I emphasize all are created equal. Are there some moments in our history during that building process that we're not really proud of? Yes. Will we as a nation ever move forward if we allow those mistakes to define who we are? No. More importantly, are we willing to accept or to tolerate the race baiting, racist, vitriolic tactics employed by the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?
How can a nation elect a black president still be considered racist? The days of crying racism must come to an end. I can tell you that as minority (Cherokee Indian) I have come to accept that there were atrocities in America's past. As a descendent of a race of people who had everything taken from them, I would be justified should I choose to harbor hatred and bitterness toward the white race, but I don't. The fact of the matter is while we, as a nation, must never forget our past, it is more important that we work together toward a strong and united future.
I find it totally unconscionable how our society has taken a 180 degree turn when it comes to the black race. You cannot change facts simply by repeating a lie over and over again. No matter how hard the media, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the rest of the progressive liberal community want to change the facts surrounding Trayvon Martin, he was a black(minority) individual attacking a Hispanic(minority). The media frenzy and ostracizing of George Zimmerman only served to perpetuate and inflame racial tension. The only benefits being a financial gain by the aforementioned parasitic race baiters.
Where is the justice for the 13-year-old white boy who was brutally attacked by three black thugs while a black bus driver looked on? Where is the outcry from the white race demanding justice? Where is the president who has interjected himself into the racial issues? Are these three black thugs representative of what we could expect should Michelle Obama have triplets?
There have been numerous attacks across the country on white individuals by black thugs stating that this was for Trayvon. All the while our media, Obama, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson have remained silent. Where are their outcries, the disgust, the rage or the cries for justice for little Antonio West who was shot in the face by a black thug? If any of these crimes had been committed with the perpetrator being white against a black, the cries of hate crime or racism would have been deafening.
It is my honest belief that we must put a stop to the false accusations of racism as well as the free pass on black violence. We must open our eyes and our minds to the fact that the current practices of our media and racial dividers such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson only serve their personal agendas of perpetuating racism for financial gain, and are of no benefit to this great nation.
During the sixties, Dr. Martin Luther King, as well as many other civil rights activists, witnessed firsthand practices and abuses against minorities. These abuses were not only physical but mental as well. Portrayals of minorities were demeaning and cruel. It was the observation of these practices that led Dr. Martin Luther King and others to stand up and speak out against these injustices.
Fifty years later, the American people are witnessing firsthand the total and absolute denigration of the white male race. It is ever-present in our TV portrayals. All one has to do is take note of how many black authoritative figures are portrayed as judges, head of law enforcement, department heads etc. in the variety of shows. The percentage of such portrayals is completely out of line with the fact that there is only a 13% black population. TV commercials have taken to portraying the white male as an incompetent, bumbling idiot. White family portrayals usually only have the mother present while more and more black families are advertised as a family unit with both the mother and father present - a portrayal which is completely counter-intuitive to all statistics. The message that we are sending to the young white race is that they are somehow less intelligent, less important than the black race. Excuse me if I'm wrong but is this not the very thing that the black race fought against? If it was wrong for them it should be just as wrong for the white race.
I totally disagree with former chairwoman Mary Frances Berry who sat on the board of the US commission on civil rights, when she stated “Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them”.
I cringe at the fabrication of black superiority claimed by Al Sharpton when he stated, ”White folks were in caves while we were building empires. We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and those Greek homos ever got around to it.” Interesting side note: for a race of such superior intelligence how did they ever let the white man get the upper hand?
To quote Romans12:9 –13: ”Don't just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good.”
I have to tell you from a personal standpoint, I hate what is happening to this great country and I invite all races, all genders, all people to unite in an honest effort to return America to all that she set out to be: the land of the free and the home of the brave. She is the beacon on the top of the hill - a place where you could exercise your God-given rights, a place where freedom, liberty, personal responsibility, and accountability are the cornerstones to fulfilling your pursuit of happiness.
More importantly, I ask that we ponder the wisdom in Martin Luther King's statement of not judging a person by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I am sure he intended that this measure should apply to all races.
By Richard Lynch
Who will stand with me? Who will demand equality and justice for all? There is a very evil destructive force afoot in our great nation. We are a nation that was built upon the very principles that all men and I emphasize all are created equal. Are there some moments in our history during that building process that we're not really proud of? Yes. Will we as a nation ever move forward if we allow those mistakes to define who we are? No. More importantly, are we willing to accept or to tolerate the race baiting, racist, vitriolic tactics employed by the likes of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson?
How can a nation elect a black president still be considered racist? The days of crying racism must come to an end. I can tell you that as minority (Cherokee Indian) I have come to accept that there were atrocities in America's past. As a descendent of a race of people who had everything taken from them, I would be justified should I choose to harbor hatred and bitterness toward the white race, but I don't. The fact of the matter is while we, as a nation, must never forget our past, it is more important that we work together toward a strong and united future.
I find it totally unconscionable how our society has taken a 180 degree turn when it comes to the black race. You cannot change facts simply by repeating a lie over and over again. No matter how hard the media, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the rest of the progressive liberal community want to change the facts surrounding Trayvon Martin, he was a black(minority) individual attacking a Hispanic(minority). The media frenzy and ostracizing of George Zimmerman only served to perpetuate and inflame racial tension. The only benefits being a financial gain by the aforementioned parasitic race baiters.
Where is the justice for the 13-year-old white boy who was brutally attacked by three black thugs while a black bus driver looked on? Where is the outcry from the white race demanding justice? Where is the president who has interjected himself into the racial issues? Are these three black thugs representative of what we could expect should Michelle Obama have triplets?
There have been numerous attacks across the country on white individuals by black thugs stating that this was for Trayvon. All the while our media, Obama, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson have remained silent. Where are their outcries, the disgust, the rage or the cries for justice for little Antonio West who was shot in the face by a black thug? If any of these crimes had been committed with the perpetrator being white against a black, the cries of hate crime or racism would have been deafening.
It is my honest belief that we must put a stop to the false accusations of racism as well as the free pass on black violence. We must open our eyes and our minds to the fact that the current practices of our media and racial dividers such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson only serve their personal agendas of perpetuating racism for financial gain, and are of no benefit to this great nation.
During the sixties, Dr. Martin Luther King, as well as many other civil rights activists, witnessed firsthand practices and abuses against minorities. These abuses were not only physical but mental as well. Portrayals of minorities were demeaning and cruel. It was the observation of these practices that led Dr. Martin Luther King and others to stand up and speak out against these injustices.
Fifty years later, the American people are witnessing firsthand the total and absolute denigration of the white male race. It is ever-present in our TV portrayals. All one has to do is take note of how many black authoritative figures are portrayed as judges, head of law enforcement, department heads etc. in the variety of shows. The percentage of such portrayals is completely out of line with the fact that there is only a 13% black population. TV commercials have taken to portraying the white male as an incompetent, bumbling idiot. White family portrayals usually only have the mother present while more and more black families are advertised as a family unit with both the mother and father present - a portrayal which is completely counter-intuitive to all statistics. The message that we are sending to the young white race is that they are somehow less intelligent, less important than the black race. Excuse me if I'm wrong but is this not the very thing that the black race fought against? If it was wrong for them it should be just as wrong for the white race.
I totally disagree with former chairwoman Mary Frances Berry who sat on the board of the US commission on civil rights, when she stated “Civil rights laws were not passed to protect the rights of white men and do not apply to them”.
I cringe at the fabrication of black superiority claimed by Al Sharpton when he stated, ”White folks were in caves while we were building empires. We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and those Greek homos ever got around to it.” Interesting side note: for a race of such superior intelligence how did they ever let the white man get the upper hand?
To quote Romans12:9 –13: ”Don't just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good.”
I have to tell you from a personal standpoint, I hate what is happening to this great country and I invite all races, all genders, all people to unite in an honest effort to return America to all that she set out to be: the land of the free and the home of the brave. She is the beacon on the top of the hill - a place where you could exercise your God-given rights, a place where freedom, liberty, personal responsibility, and accountability are the cornerstones to fulfilling your pursuit of happiness.
More importantly, I ask that we ponder the wisdom in Martin Luther King's statement of not judging a person by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I am sure he intended that this measure should apply to all races.